The banning of ( is the most recent example of the shifting sectarian dynamics
of this country. Despite that the majority feudal families like Bhutto, Zardari
and several of the richest families, including the Ismaili Lakhanis and
Hashwanis, are Shiite; persecution of the common Shia men and women is
increasing daily. One, at this point might ask why the powers that be are unable
to stop this sectarian rift?
There’s a very simple answer, peace means people will have
time to think and analyze as well as react to the shit that happens in Pakistan. Which the ruling elite, be it politicians, military, agencies, don’t want. They
each have their interest groups working in different sections of the society to
continue creating conflicts and trouble between people, be it religious, sectarian or ethnic.
The sectarian rift is not only aided by class divide, but is also to the
advantage of the two extremist countries Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is not about religion, rather controlling the resources, be it labor, land or capital.
According to Daily Ummat, which is a mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies in Pakistan, was banned because of the violent nature of material posted on the website. By violent it is meant the pictures of mutilated bodies of Shiite men, women and children.
The news interpreted by propaganda machines:
The following is the greeting one receives when visiting the
Haq Chaar Yaar website, which incidentally is not banned or restricted.
This is another 'Fatwa' on the website against Shias:
Not only the website, but there are several twitter accounts like @JHANGVI @SSPJHANG @SMPKhi110 to promote 'takfeer'.
Not to be left behind, this is the Shia extremist group's twitter account:
Among all this are the Ahmedis, Christians, Hindus who are persecuted by both Shiites and Sunnis. How can one conclude among all this evidence that Islam is the religion of peace? I ask, for whom is it the religion of peace?
It is the religion of peace as long as you are willing to accept whatever it says. Disagree though and it is a "moral" imperative that you be killed.