Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jihad or ‘Halal’ Genocide?

As long as Muslims do not get out of their religion box, and enter the folds of humanity, they must not expect others to take them seriously. Not every crime against a human who incidentally turns out to be a Muslim is a crime against Islam. Nor is every offense by a Christian a crusade. In all honesty, there is actually no need for non-Muslims to target Muslims specifically, because they target each other themselves.

Deobandis consider Shias, Ahmedis and Barelvis dispensable, Salafis consider every one disposable, Shias and Sunnis feel Ahmedis should be put to the sword. But lo and behold, ‘Muslims’ are bemoaning persecution in Burma. One would not find them so vociferously protesting about the murders of Hazara Shias or Ahmedis.

Facebook news feed is filled with garbage, asking people to protest and put a stop to the genocide of Muslims in Burma, but I wonder if the Muslims in Burma were Ahmedi, would people be so upset about it? I fear not. Because then it would be translated to Jihad. So as long as genocide is perpetrated under the guise of Jihad, it is halal.

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