Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Sadhu and God

There was a sadhu lying naked outside the zoo.

The spirit of holy Sachal Sirmed revived.
No passer-by blessed  him standing in the middle of the Mall r
Surrounded by  banks, boutiques and best eateries.
It was too lavish to bear a naked man;
And people gathered around, hoping it was a daring Chelsea  football fan
In support of his team  miles apart across the other continent

“Err…what is soccer FIFA League?
“Ah yes, we too have a FIFA league---somewhat playing in Pak”

Big deal.

The man, nonetheless, is standing naked.
He’s not waiting for a lover;
But some said he must be at mental asylum

“no wait, this man is not mad. He just  has a sachet of cocaine found next him”

Said the officer.

:"But officer,, please hurry, my young children are looking at him---all naked”

The old man was lying indeed, perhaps sleeping in oblivion.

A mystic, found to be sleeping in dreams; but creating a ruckus in his civilized world
Not able to understand

“what is closer to God”

They asked

“morality!” came the answer.

The old man finally overheard.

“nay it is the love of god. And it is for this you are calling me immoral”
“but the clothes, where are they”
“I am a reborn.  Why can’t god accept my nudity”
‘Astaghfirullah” came the reply
“god knows everything about me.  What is there to hide.  If man is primarily naked, then why are we covering it up.  Hasn’t god seen a naked human before”

“how so, what is wrong with it.  If god finds my nudity objectionable then why can’t we call perversion and a hypocrisy as his attributes—or is it just relevant to humans?”


“but are god’s 99 attributes are almost relevant to human creed.  Tell me have we created god?’

‘they are not supposed to be like that”

“like anger and the humiliating others out of many?”

“yes, so”

“Then how can he endorse such humanly attributes for himself if he is a god?”

“let me draw out the dragger and a close range shooting gun”

“Very well.  That’s lack of argument on god’s behalf…l  however, did not mention one attribute that no god can take away from a human”

“such as?”

“the sense of pain, loss, bereavement…has god ever cried as a human”

“What nonsense---God is god”

“well, I am all exposed on my free will, because I abhor everything artificial, except for god whom I also suspect as a non- natural.  I am more mystical, while you are hard as his regulation followers.  I have felt pain, perhaps not even god.  Tell me if he has ever shed tears like we do, would he have the honor of join us our food and ask for our forgiveness, like humans do , for all the injustice he has committed in his name?
“ridiculous suggestion.  God will never  sit down with people like you”

Very well then, tell him we are happy without him.  If he really is is concerned, tell him to be a human forst and them decide what misery he has put us in”

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