Sunday, July 22, 2012

Jihad or ‘Halal’ Genocide?

As long as Muslims do not get out of their religion box, and enter the folds of humanity, they must not expect others to take them seriously. Not every crime against a human who incidentally turns out to be a Muslim is a crime against Islam. Nor is every offense by a Christian a crusade. In all honesty, there is actually no need for non-Muslims to target Muslims specifically, because they target each other themselves.

Deobandis consider Shias, Ahmedis and Barelvis dispensable, Salafis consider every one disposable, Shias and Sunnis feel Ahmedis should be put to the sword. But lo and behold, ‘Muslims’ are bemoaning persecution in Burma. One would not find them so vociferously protesting about the murders of Hazara Shias or Ahmedis.

Facebook news feed is filled with garbage, asking people to protest and put a stop to the genocide of Muslims in Burma, but I wonder if the Muslims in Burma were Ahmedi, would people be so upset about it? I fear not. Because then it would be translated to Jihad. So as long as genocide is perpetrated under the guise of Jihad, it is halal.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Religion of peace for whom?

The banning of ( is the most recent example of the shifting sectarian dynamics of this country. Despite that the majority feudal families like Bhutto, Zardari and several of the richest families, including the Ismaili Lakhanis and Hashwanis, are Shiite; persecution of the common Shia men and women is increasing daily. One, at this point might ask why the powers that be are unable to stop this sectarian rift?

There’s a very simple answer, peace means people will have time to think and analyze as well as react to the shit that happens in Pakistan. Which the ruling elite, be it politicians, military, agencies, don’t want. They each have their interest groups working in different sections of the society to continue creating conflicts and trouble between people, be it religious, sectarian or ethnic. The sectarian rift is not only aided by class divide, but is also to the advantage of the two extremist countries Saudi Arabia and Iran. It is not about religion, rather controlling the resources, be it labor, land or capital.

According to Daily Ummat, which is a mouthpiece for the intelligence agencies in Pakistan, was banned because of the violent nature of material posted on the website. By violent it is meant the pictures of mutilated bodies of Shiite men, women and children.

The news interpreted by propaganda machines:

The following is the greeting one receives when visiting the Haq Chaar Yaar website, which incidentally is not banned or restricted.

This is another 'Fatwa' on the website against Shias:

Not only the website, but there are several twitter accounts like @JHANGVI @SSPJHANG @SMPKhi110 to promote 'takfeer'.

Not to be left behind, this is the Shia extremist group's twitter account:

Among all this are the Ahmedis, Christians, Hindus who are persecuted by both Shiites and Sunnis. How can one conclude among all this evidence that Islam is the religion of peace? I ask, for whom is it the religion of peace?

Sunday, July 15, 2012


For the tears not resembling yours;
I seek prejudice in alluding to this indifference to what you called love;
for something mighty no lighter heart can lift;
is an illusion I've fallen for in complete disgrace;
who cares what my reality reveals;
it is but a pain of longing no one can relate to

Zeeba T. Hashmi
15th July, 2012

Godless girls: Unchallenged Hate

Godless girls: Unchallenged Hate: Unchallenged Hatred Neither Hindu nor Muslim Sacrificing pride, let us sit together. Neither Sunni nor Shia, Let us wa...

Unchallenged Hate

Unchallenged Hatred

Neither Hindu nor Muslim
Sacrificing pride, let us sit together.
Neither Sunni nor Shia,
Let us walk the road of peace!
(Bulleh Shah)

But things don’t look like so among us proud Pakistanis.  We see God as the one who takes revenge against the  betrayers of his mis-interpreted religion (read dogmas)and his pleasure-seekers are doing the deed by violently and mercilessly murdering those who have not an iota of an understanding of their brand of Islam.  Hegemony holds sway in the land of blood.  Hatred champions itself in the land of the righteous.  Untried blasphemers are lynched and torched alive in this very land of the pure.  Women are disfigured and defaced by acid throwing or are gang raped by orders of village elders for honor’s sake.   And then they say speaking against  all this as ‘Western Propaganda”?   How ironic. Who is a Westerner here? Is common-sense related to Blackwater Co.  here?
What if we see God above all this who actually has come down, pleading his staunch followers, for mercy and change in thought to stop humiliating Him like this?  Is it not possible to see Him in human terms rather than kill your sons and daughters in blind faith? And if one is indeed a true Muslim, then what’s the point in reciting the First Kalma aloud time and again? It doesn’t lessen any faith, and we all know that.  Our sleeves are full of it. Piety here has indeed become a curse and it’s good to see that Baba Bulleh Shah died long  before he could witness all this.  With the young doctors on strike, he’d have died of a heart attack today and no one would be there to weep for this blasphemer.
The language we use today has become bigoted.  The offices we work at have become cesspool of anti-Shia, anti-Ahmediya, ant- Christian, anti-Jew, anti-Hindu, anti-Sikh and anti-human gup shup.  An average child who goes to a middle level public school believes that it is sin for women to work outside their homes, and the best is that they actually lose their virginity by driving cars, thanks to the Saudi fatwa.
So what has been inclining everyone, even the ones who want to be considered liberals because they  wear Levi’s jeans, towards this retrograde and moral degeneration.  Moral degeneration is not that we see Katrina Kaif on Billboards, but is the lack of confrontation against the powerful radical  clergy  that blacken the faces of models on advertisement posters and posting violence-inciting messages in our residential areas.  The best example can be noted at our universities where religiosity has taken such strong roots that many professors and students have been harassed and attacked with gun shots at their residences and yet no action has been taken by the concerned authorities for fear of backlash.
For any culture, preservations should be made on the principle of its inherent indigenous core without it being oppressive or hegemonic on others.  In our case, unfortunately, there are conflicts of political interests, causality of which we see in our society that suffers from its identity chaos and even, bloodshed in some cases.  During Zia’s draconian era, major reforms took place in the education curricula (allegedly prepared by University of Nebraska) to harden it with Jihadi references, even for elementary students, to recruit Mujahideen to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan in the 80’s during cold war.  The literature developed lacked any cultural or religious sensitivity.  Moreover, tones of private editions were published for the surfacing militant madrassahs that brainwashed the adrenaline-rushed youth into something more destructive than using their worth towards productivity.  Ever since the cold war ended, the US-Petro dollars didn’t stop flowing, however, no serious effort has been made to reverse the education damage that is to be blamed for ill-informed and biased populations that have been geared towards more hatred.  News papers and current media are no exceptions in spreading biased opinions and lies.  The alienation of the very people who are the citizens of Pakistan is doing an economic harm of the worst kind and the fact remains neglected politically.  The first such example of harming the nation lies in the very preamble of the Objectives Resolution that was passed by the constituent Assembly in 1948 only after the death of the Quaid, founder of Pakistan.  The second most damaging act ever done to Pakistan as a nation was by Z.A. Bhutto through the formation of One Unit, which homogenized the variant nature of all the diverse regions of Pakistan, thus causing resentment among ethnic and minority groups besides damaging the institutions indirectly, in particular, the education institutions.
Accepting the fact that Pakistan is a multi ethnic diverse country is important for its progress, otherwise, giving in to the demands of the nexus of radical clergy, the powerful feudal lords and the army, will bring more resentment and disaster than any productivity or protection of the assets that the ‘deep state” considers important.  This can only be done through proper identification of the problems and the right political lobbying for the right measures to be taken to address the growing problem of the militancy and for an educational  evolution that can bring us out of the vortex of hate for other nations who  live among us too.  Nothing, in our case, should fall short of human dignity belonging to any religion, caste, creed or sexual orientation.

Contributed by Zeeba Hashmi and can be reached at

Photo credit: Google Images

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Indigenous



We are a people of different faces       
of dreams unique
of expectations calling for dignity.                   

We are a people of different colors
of love we seek
of recognition we want

We are a beautiful people
like an orchestra of life
for the world to stand in ovation
For  us feeling alive.

(by Zeeba T. Hashmi)

Friday, July 13, 2012

Godless girls: Life

Godless girls: Life: through the majestic purple mountains through the expanse of valleys they surround through the running  crystal clear streams in th...


through the majestic purple mountains
through the expanse of valleys they surround
through the running  crystal clear streams
in the green meadows that turn gold
in the setting sun
is an atonement of love
we perceive.

But is  the passing of every
cherished second                                          
never to be felt again                                                         
Is  search for a                                   
perfect trail
of an age that passes
with each unique treasured  moment
of the mortal discovery we know as life.

Zeeba T. Hashmi
13th July,2012


through the majestic purple mountains
through the expanse of valleys they surround
through the running  crystal clear streams
in the green meadows that turn gold
in the setting sun
is an atonement of love
that some perceive.                                                         

But is actually the passing of every
cherished second
never to be felt again
                                                                                            Photo credit: google images
Is called search of a
perfect trail
of an age that passes
with each unique treasure
of the mortal discovery we know as life.

Zeeba T. Hashmi
13th July, 2012

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Deprieved of the Sun that shines in Trieste

Library at Abdus Salam Institute in Triestem Italy
(copy righted)

The sea breeze.
waving over a land called Trieste,

yet tidings of home,
made less known to us.
for a man who marked his footsteps there,
as the world salutes his legacy.
Dr. Abdus Salam, Dr. Abdus Salam!
Who was he?
I know not much about you,
yet you gave your body to the soil
of my land.
with a gravestone  that humiliates
your name.
Yes, I weep for you.

Zeeba T. Hashmi
2nd October, 2011

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Memories---Human Creed

Sunrise, midday, dusk and night
Distinctive and rigid are their time

but not memories

it maybe our earthly mountains that waver
shake and collapse

like tears in my eyes and with a heart that
thumps for ever changing celebration of life

even if we have parted once we came across
the unfinished stories we shared have now become
like disturbed dreams.

inconsistency of human want it is
one day here, next day there
and moving on.
some with regret, some not.

Zeeba T. Hashmi
11th July, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Shadows of Life

Shadows of life follow your versatility for adjustment
to this world
How honest is the core only gets diminished by what we call
civilized norms.
How much do I have to try to assert the real Zeeba around
But the conjunction of values makes this Zeeba all conceited
For the world, I am  a spectacle of dilemmas,
Never to be understood, never to be comforted.

Zeeba T. Hashmi
10th July, 2012

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Could anyone hear my screams?

(On a man accused of blasphemy burnt alive by a mob in Bhawalpur today and it hardly got any news coverage in the mainstream media. It is our own indifference that kills our conscience more than the act of  barbarism itself)

Oh! what a shame this all has been.
An entire existence never understood,
And so condemnably wasted.
For I have committed blasphemy
Because no one could hear me.
Torch me now.
See my flesh burn in flames
And smell the stench
Go on,  feed your soul
For this is what you consider
your  conscience.