Of what is moon. an enigma created in silver againt dark.
What is this moon, setting the waves higher in the sea
and riveting it to dance over the clear reflection of waters.
where fairies meet.
But the sun pleaded aganst the moon.
sun to God:"it steals my light,Sir"
Moon on trial: "but the little light i steal is no crime of mine, but only of divinty's.
besides i am the one who provides light in the night when peopl lose their way
besides, God, you have made me beautiful,so why a soul would not write poetry
on me?, if this is not true, then why won't you object to two loving souls meet in broad daylight?
is this not sin of the sun to expose it while I hide and protect precious lives"
"Fornication, sire, fornication and he is promoting it,
it's a question of my morals and you have none. give me back my light."
'sir, wiith my light gone, than what happens when in daylight reveals your hypocricy of your endorsed morals?
you'll die of heart attack, sire, please have mercy. don't dare "
The honorable Sire, looked confused. it was the war of thier egos, truth was rarely known, but deception was easier and would be wise to bring to people all the truth.
God: "Honesty as the monotony of the white remains distinctive. lIn dayliht, all colors get submeged into one . let go of your egos. let it go. let it go---you both can't survive without it."
both: "but we got inspired by your destructive and revengful punishments. then why are you discouraing us? are we not all gods in our way?"
God got angry, took off his leather boots and gave a good thrashing to both moon and sun, for talking about divinity which we can't talk about because it is what it is.
Sun failed
moon prevailed
hypocrisy preserved
pure honesty made glorious
only in hiding.
Drunkeness is sinful.
because it brings out the true
core of the disguised
piety of a man.
Zeeba hashmi
26th June, 2012