Saturday, April 14, 2012
Godless girls: Rasputin; a little bit of you in me.
Rasputin; a little bit of you in me.

Rasputin, your dark character engulfs me in awe; more I despise you, more I feel the need for you. This is divine seduction with treacherous anticipation of a reward, but it was only through pain of your punishment I sought bliss.
I never knew how I keep a little bit of you in me.
Your sheer honesty in the mockery you made against me as your devotee; or should I call it your hypocrisy for you knew your creed well in spite of every truth that you knew were lies. I could not distinguish what was real and what were illusions. It was maddening love I've had for you once, and will take it to my grave despite all my denial of accepting your presence. I seek an escape, but I feel too limited, shallow and helpless. You are that poison that's eating away my soul, and my conscience. You have made me rigid and conditional in my existence.
I never knew how I keep a little bit of you in me.
despite everything.